Stephen Lloyd
Web and Database Developer - Intermediate

7/15/09Converting Video to Flash
  1. Open Adobe Media Encoder CS4
  2. Drag video from desktop to Media Encoder window
  3. Click Start Queue to convert to .flv
  4. Copy/Paste code from one of the below files and update filename and window sizes accordingly.
6/8/09Help Desk Issue/Response/IT Notes Thread
5/13/09jQuery  Hide()  Show()  Toggle()  Cycle()

Test Page:

      $('tr.rowheader > td > p').hide();

Hide the paragraph inside the TD inside the TR with a class of rowheader.

4/28/09Calendar Widget
<td id="cal">
<input> attribute:
onclick="javascript:showCalendar('', calform.CompletedByOn, '', '','cal', 0, 10, 1);"
  • With Time
    To get the time to show up, include the following in the head:
    <script language="javascript">
          xcDateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy hr:mi am";
          xcFootTagSwitch=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
  • Without Time

Calendar icon
<img src="/image/but.calendar.gif" width=15 height=15 border=0 align="bottom">

4/7/09CSI Master Format

New projects should be set up with the new CSIFormat (database value = 1). Thad: Can you go through the list and for the newer projects, ask the AA's to convert the project to the new format?

3/26/09Employee Departures / Hires
3/23/09Completed Help Desk Requests
1/21/09Page Ranking
1/21/09SUSD cfm Stuff I Still Have Access To
1/13/ areas I am becoming specialized in
Intranet Public Site Project Web
  • Archives
  • Intranet Home Page
  • Flexible Content areas
  • Submittals
  • Reports: Finish Schedule

  • Sustainability Toolkit - 6 sections open and close with More... and Less... Buttons are outside show area. Opening one closes all the others.
  • 5 Strategies For Retail Success - 5 sections open and close with img bar having three states. Show area replaces butons. Opening one closes all the others.
  • In Project Web - line 83, checks for browser, function accepts div name
12/17/08Marketing Projects
12/15/08FORM Validation
10/10/08CSS Stuff

    margin: auto; /*the auto margins (in conjunction with a width) center the page */
    width: 940px;

10/8/08Div Height match

The example given in the pdf of the home page redesign has both the Project Profile and the Under Construction sections as the same height. I did find a good example of how to keep both sections the same height as the images dynamically change.

<Code> (opens a cfwindow)(broken on CrystalTech their version of CF doesn't know what cfwindow is)

However, when the sections are CFDIV / bind, rather than cfinclude, the javascript breaks and it doesn't work.

A related experiment where I asked the browser what the height of the div was. If the height is set in the style attribute, it returns a value, but even so, if the div expands, you still only get the original value.

10/2/08cfimage Cropping

The example given in the pdf of the home page redesign has both the Project Profile and the Under Construction images the same sizes, and they are short and squatty. So, here is an example of using cfimage to crop a photo automatically. It does make a copy of the cropped image and put it on the server.

8/21/08Only Wide Image

To keep the formatting of the initial thumbnail page, only show the landscape oriented images. Uses a cfc and passes in the name of the project (name of the folder). The cfc uses a cfdirectory to get image names, then picks a random image and uses cfimage to get the width and height properties. If the width is less than the height, pick another image. Developed assuming Jonna would be more concerned with layout. Ended up not using it.

8/6/08Issued By Report

I don't remember why I did this.

6/27/08Display 2 Columns of Database Results

With a resultset of data (in this case, an array) divide the total number of records in two and assign to variable. Loop through 1 to the variable in the first column, the variable plus one to the end of the recordset for column 2.